Yukon, Canada’s wild and beautiful territory, is a paradise for families seeking outdoor adventures. With its stunning landscapes, diverse wildlife, and numerous recreational activities, Yukon’s national parks offer something for everyone. Whether you're looking to hike, camp, or simply enjoy nature's tranquility, these parks provide the perfect backdrop for unforgettable family trips. Explore the breathtaking peaks of Kluane, the cultural richness of Tombstone, the pristine wilderness of Ivvavik, and the historical intrigue of Chilkoot. Each park promises unique experiences that will leave your family with cherished memories. Here’s a guide to the best national parks in Yukon for families.

Kluane National Park and Reserve

Kluane National Park and Reserve is undeniably a jewel of Yukon, offering some of the most dramatic and breathtaking landscapes in North America. This vast wilderness area is home to Canada’s highest peak, Mount Logan, and features the world’s largest non-polar icefields, making it a perfect destination for families who love to explore and immerse themselves in nature's grandeur.

Hiking and Walking Trails

Kluane National Park and Reserve boasts an extensive network of hiking and walking trails suitable for all ages and skill levels. Whether your family is seeking a gentle stroll or a more challenging hike, the park has something to offer.

One of the most family-friendly areas is the Kathleen Lake Day Use Area. This scenic spot provides easy trails with spectacular views of Kathleen Lake and the surrounding mountains. The trails here are well-maintained and clearly marked, making them ideal for families with young children. The easy walking paths allow everyone to enjoy the serene beauty of the lake, the crisp mountain air, and the vibrant colors of wildflowers during the summer months.

For families looking for a bit more adventure, the King’s Throne Trail offers a moderate challenge with rewarding views. This trail takes hikers through lush forests, across alpine meadows, and up to a stunning vantage point overlooking Kathleen Lake. It’s a great way for older children and teens to experience the park’s diverse ecosystems and breathtaking vistas.

Wildlife Viewing

Kluane National Park and Reserve is a haven for wildlife enthusiasts. The park's diverse habitats support a wide variety of animal species, offering families the chance to see some of Canada’s most iconic wildlife in their natural environment.

Visitors to the park can keep an eye out for majestic grizzly bears, agile Dall sheep, and soaring eagles. The park’s visitor center provides educational programs and resources that help families learn more about the local wildlife and their habitats. Rangers and naturalists often lead guided tours and wildlife viewing sessions, offering insights into the behaviors and conservation of these magnificent animals.

The park is particularly known for its healthy population of grizzly bears. While it’s important to observe these creatures from a safe distance, spotting a grizzly in the wild is an unforgettable experience that can inspire a lifelong appreciation for wildlife and conservation.


For families who love camping, Kluane National Park and Reserve offers several excellent options. The Kathleen Lake Campground is particularly family-friendly, providing basic amenities and stunning views. This campground is equipped with picnic tables, fire pits, and clean restroom facilities, ensuring a comfortable and enjoyable camping experience.

The campground is situated near Kathleen Lake, offering easy access to the water for swimming, fishing, or simply relaxing by the shore. Evening campfires provide the perfect opportunity for families to gather, share stories, and enjoy the tranquility of the great outdoors. The clear night skies, free from light pollution, offer incredible stargazing opportunities, with the Milky Way often visible in all its glory.

For those seeking a more remote camping experience, backcountry camping is also available. This allows adventurous families to explore deeper into the park, discovering secluded spots and experiencing the true wilderness of Kluane. However, backcountry camping requires proper preparation and knowledge of wilderness survival skills, so it’s recommended for families with older children and experienced campers.

Kluane National Park and Reserve is a true treasure of Yukon, offering unparalleled natural beauty and a wealth of outdoor activities for families. From easy hiking trails and wildlife viewing to family-friendly camping, this park provides countless opportunities for families to connect with nature and each other. So, pack your gear, bring your sense of adventure, and get ready to create unforgettable memories in one of Canada’s most spectacular national parks.

Tombstone Territorial Park

Tombstone Territorial Park is a striking example of Yukon's wild beauty, known for its rugged peaks, unique landscapes, and rich cultural history. This park, often referred to as the "Patagonia of the North," is a must-visit for adventurous families eager to explore its diverse ecosystems and immerse themselves in its natural splendor. From hiking and wildlife watching to camping and cultural education, Tombstone Territorial Park offers a myriad of activities that can create lasting memories for families.

Interpretive Trails

Tombstone Territorial Park is home to several interpretive trails that are ideal for family outings. These trails are designed to educate and engage visitors by providing detailed information about the park’s natural and cultural history.

One of the most popular trails is the Grizzly Lake Trail, which offers moderate hiking conditions suitable for older children and teens. Along the way, interpretive signs provide insights into the geological formations, local flora, and fauna, as well as the history of the First Nations people who have lived in the region for thousands of years. This educational experience helps families appreciate the significance of the land and fosters a deeper connection to the environment.

For families with younger children or those looking for an easier walk, the North Klondike River Trail is a perfect choice. This trail offers gentle terrain and scenic views of the river and surrounding mountains. The interpretive panels along the path explain the ecology of the area, making it both a fun and informative outing for all ages.

Wildlife Watching

Tombstone Territorial Park is a haven for wildlife enthusiasts. The park’s varied habitats support a wide range of animal species, providing ample opportunities for wildlife watching.

Families can expect to see caribou, moose, and a variety of bird species, including golden eagles and peregrine falcons. The best time for wildlife viewing is during the early morning or late evening when animals are most active. Bringing a pair of binoculars can enhance the experience, allowing close-up views of the wildlife without disturbing them.

The park’s interpretive center is a valuable resource for families wanting to learn more about the local wildlife. The center features exhibits on the different species found in the park, their behaviors, and the conservation efforts in place to protect them. Ranger-led programs and guided tours are also available, offering expert insights and increasing the chances of spotting elusive animals.

Camping and Picnicking

Tombstone Mountain Campground offers a serene and scenic camping experience for families. Located in a picturesque setting, the campground provides basic amenities such as picnic tables, fire pits, and restroom facilities. The tranquil environment is perfect for families to unwind, enjoy meals together, and take in the stunning views of the surrounding peaks.

Campfires at night become a time for storytelling and bonding, with the opportunity to gaze at the stars in the clear, unpolluted night sky. For families looking to explore during the day, the campground serves as an excellent base for hiking, fishing, and exploring nearby trails.

Picnicking is another great way to enjoy the park. Various spots throughout the park offer picnic tables with beautiful backdrops, perfect for a relaxing meal in nature. Families can pack a picnic and spend the day exploring different areas of the park, enjoying both the natural beauty and the educational opportunities it offers.

Cultural Experiences

Tombstone Territorial Park is rich in cultural history, particularly that of the Tr’ondëk Hwëch’in First Nation. The park offers various cultural programs and events where families can learn about the traditions, stories, and heritage of the indigenous people who have called this area home for centuries. These programs often include storytelling, traditional crafts, and demonstrations of ancient survival techniques, providing a fascinating glimpse into the region’s cultural fabric.

Tombstone Territorial Park is a destination that combines adventure, education, and natural beauty, making it an ideal spot for family trips. Whether hiking interpretive trails, watching wildlife, camping under the stars, or engaging in cultural activities, families will find endless opportunities for exploration and learning. Pack your gear, bring your curiosity, and prepare for an unforgettable adventure in one of Yukon’s most stunning parks.

Ivvavik National Park

For a truly remote and pristine wilderness experience, Ivvavik National Park is unparalleled. Located in the northernmost part of Yukon, this park offers families a unique opportunity to explore untouched natural beauty and immerse themselves in the rich cultural heritage of the Inuvialuit people. With its breathtaking landscapes and diverse wildlife, Ivvavik National Park is an ideal destination for families seeking adventure and education.

Guided Tours

One of the highlights of visiting Ivvavik National Park is the availability of guided tours. These tours are tailored to provide families with an in-depth understanding of the region’s natural and cultural history. Knowledgeable guides lead these excursions, sharing fascinating stories and insights about the land and its inhabitants.

Families can embark on hikes that take them through the park’s stunning scenery, including vast tundra landscapes, rugged mountains, and pristine rivers. Along the way, guides explain the unique geological features and the delicate ecosystems that thrive in this remote area. These tours are not only educational but also adventurous, offering families the chance to discover hidden gems and experience the raw beauty of the park up close.

Additionally, the tours often include visits to significant cultural sites, where families can learn about the traditional ways of life of the Inuvialuit people. This cultural immersion adds a rich layer to the wilderness adventure, fostering a deeper appreciation for the region’s heritage and the resilience of its indigenous communities.

Bird Watching

Ivvavik National Park is a paradise for bird watchers, offering families the chance to observe a variety of bird species, including some rare and elusive ones. The park’s diverse habitats support a rich avian population, making it a prime destination for birding enthusiasts.

During the summer months, the park comes alive with the sounds of migratory birds returning to their breeding grounds. Families can spot species such as the peregrine falcon, golden eagle, and various shorebirds. The park’s remote location means that bird watching can be done in peaceful solitude, without the crowds often found in more accessible parks.

For an even more enriching experience, families can participate in bird watching programs led by expert guides. These programs provide insights into bird behavior, migration patterns, and conservation efforts, making bird watching both fun and informative.


Camping in Ivvavik National Park is an unforgettable experience, offering families the chance to truly connect with nature. The Sheep Creek Base Camp provides an all-inclusive camping experience, making it easier for families to enjoy their stay without the hassle of extensive planning and packing.

Sheep Creek Base Camp is equipped with comfortable tents, cooking facilities, and basic amenities, ensuring a cozy and enjoyable stay. The camp serves as a perfect base for exploring the park, with guided hikes and educational programs available right from the campsite. These programs often include wildlife tracking, plant identification, and survival skills, providing hands-on learning experiences that are both exciting and educational for children and adults alike.

Evenings at the camp are magical, with the opportunity to gather around a campfire, share stories, and gaze at the star-filled sky. The remote location of Ivvavik ensures minimal light pollution, making for spectacular stargazing and the chance to witness the Northern Lights during certain times of the year.

Ivvavik National Park offers families an unparalleled opportunity to experience the pristine wilderness and rich cultural heritage of northern Yukon. From guided tours and bird watching to all-inclusive camping, the park provides a perfect blend of adventure, education, and natural beauty. Prepare for an unforgettable journey into the wild, where every moment brings new discoveries and lasting memories.

Fishing Branch Ni'iinlii'njik Park

Fishing Branch Ni’iinlii’njik Park is renowned for its rich cultural history and unique natural features, making it an excellent destination for families seeking to combine outdoor adventures with educational experiences. Located in northern Yukon, this park offers a variety of activities that allow families to immerse themselves in the traditions of the Vuntut Gwitchin First Nation while exploring stunning landscapes and diverse wildlife.

Cultural Tours

One of the most enriching experiences at Fishing Branch Ni’iinlii’njik Park is participating in guided cultural tours. These tours are designed to educate visitors about the traditional practices and heritage of the Vuntut Gwitchin First Nation, who have inhabited the region for thousands of years.

Families can learn about traditional hunting and fishing techniques, the significance of various natural landmarks, and the cultural stories passed down through generations. Guides often share insights into the spiritual connection the Vuntut Gwitchin have with the land, providing a deeper understanding of their way of life. These tours often include visits to significant cultural sites and opportunities to observe traditional crafts and ceremonies, offering a unique and memorable experience for all ages.

Wildlife Viewing

Fishing Branch Ni’iinlii’njik Park is a prime location for wildlife viewing, with a particular emphasis on its famous bear viewing opportunities. The park is renowned for its healthy population of grizzly bears, which can be observed during the annual salmon run. This natural spectacle occurs in late summer and early autumn when salmon migrate upstream to spawn, attracting bears to the area for a bountiful feast.

Families can safely watch these magnificent creatures from designated viewing platforms, guided by experts who provide valuable information about bear behavior and ecology. This experience not only offers thrilling wildlife encounters but also teaches children about the importance of conservation and respecting wildlife habitats.

In addition to bears, the park is home to a variety of other wildlife, including moose, wolves, and numerous bird species. The diverse ecosystems within the park, ranging from boreal forests to pristine rivers, create ideal conditions for spotting different animals throughout the year.


Exploring the trails of Fishing Branch Ni’iinlii’njik Park is another fantastic way for families to connect with nature and enjoy the park's diverse landscapes. The park offers a variety of hiking trails that cater to different skill levels, making it accessible for families with children of all ages.

Hikers can traverse through lush boreal forests, along crystal-clear rivers, and up to scenic viewpoints that offer panoramic views of the surrounding wilderness. The trails are well-marked and often include interpretive signs that provide information about the local flora and fauna, as well as the geological history of the area. These educational elements enhance the hiking experience, turning each trek into a learning adventure.

For a truly immersive experience, families can embark on multi-day hikes that include camping along the way. This allows for deeper exploration of the park and more opportunities to encounter wildlife and experience the tranquility of the untouched wilderness.

Fishing Branch Ni’iinlii’njik Park offers families a unique blend of cultural education and outdoor adventure. From learning about the rich heritage of the Vuntut Gwitchin First Nation and observing majestic grizzly bears to hiking through diverse landscapes, the park provides countless opportunities for discovery and connection. Plan your visit to this extraordinary park and create lasting memories with your loved ones.

Chilkoot Trail National Historic Site

The Chilkoot Trail National Historic Site is a remarkable destination that offers a perfect blend of history and outdoor adventure. Once a bustling route during the Klondike Gold Rush, this trail is now a fascinating place for families to explore. With its rich historical significance and stunning natural beauty, the Chilkoot Trail provides a unique opportunity for families to step back in time and immerse themselves in an unforgettable journey.


Hiking the Chilkoot Trail is an excellent way for families to experience both the historical and natural aspects of this iconic route. The trail spans approximately 33 miles (53 kilometers) from Dyea in Alaska to Bennett in British Columbia, and it is dotted with various sections that cater to different skill levels and interests.

For families with young children or those looking for a less strenuous hike, the initial sections of the trail offer easy and accessible paths. These areas feature interpretive signs that provide information about the Gold Rush era, the geography of the region, and the flora and fauna that inhabit the area. As families hike along these trails, they can enjoy the scenic views of forests, rivers, and mountains while learning about the significant role the trail played in North American history.

For more adventurous families, the entire trail can be tackled over several days, offering a challenging yet rewarding experience. Multi-day hikers will need to be prepared for changing weather conditions and rugged terrain, but the sense of accomplishment and the breathtaking vistas make it all worthwhile.

Historic Sites

The Chilkoot Trail is a living museum, rich with relics and remnants of the Gold Rush era. As families hike along the trail, they will encounter numerous historic sites that tell the story of the thousands of prospectors who braved the harsh conditions in search of fortune.

Key sites along the trail include the ruins of old cabins, remnants of tramways, and abandoned equipment that was once used by the gold seekers. These artifacts provide a tangible connection to the past, allowing families to imagine the hardships and determination of the pioneers who traveled this route over a century ago.

At Bennett Lake, the end of the trail, families can explore the historic Bennett Train Station, which served as a crucial stop for prospectors. The station has been preserved and offers exhibits that detail the history of the Gold Rush, providing a deeper understanding of the challenges faced by those who traveled the Chilkoot Trail.

Guided Tours

To enhance the experience, families can join guided tours led by knowledgeable park rangers. These tours offer valuable insights into the history and natural beauty of the Chilkoot Trail, making the hike more informative and engaging.

Park rangers share stories about the Gold Rush, explaining the significance of various landmarks and the daily lives of the prospectors. They also provide information about the local ecology, including the diverse plant and animal species that can be found along the trail. This combination of historical and natural education makes the guided tours an enriching experience for visitors of all ages.

Additionally, guided tours can help ensure the safety of hikers, offering tips on how to navigate the trail and what to do in case of an emergency. This can be particularly reassuring for families with young children or those unfamiliar with backcountry hiking.

The Chilkoot Trail National Historic Site offers families a unique opportunity to explore a historic route that played a crucial role during the Klondike Gold Rush. With its mix of accessible hiking trails, fascinating historic sites, and informative guided tours, the trail provides an educational and adventurous experience that can be enjoyed by visitors of all ages. Embark on a journey through history and nature, and create lasting memories with your family on the Chilkoot Trail.

Yukon’s national parks are perfect for families looking to connect with nature and create lasting memories. From the breathtaking peaks of Kluane to the historic trails of Chilkoot, each park offers unique experiences that cater to all ages and interests. So pack your bags, gather your loved ones, and embark on an unforgettable adventure in Yukon’s pristine wilderness.

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